Monday, March 26, 2012

What a difference a year makes....

This week was the one year anniversary of Charlie's new life.  If I knew then what I know now, I probably wouldn't have been so nervous. 

March 21, 2011 was the Monday that Charlie officially was no longer a student in the public school but a home-school student in the eyes of the School District.  It was the day that we began a full time Son-Rise Program.  I remember waking up that morning and thinking to myself "here we go, the responsibility of Charlie's future is 100% mine now, no turning back."  Although I believed completely that what I had chosen to do was what he needed.  The unconventional approach, amongst all the critics, was difficult.

What Charlie has accomplished in the past year is AMAZING!!!  A year ago he spent most of his days in a highly anxious state which produced crying, screaming and exclusive behavior.  He didn't interact with anyone and when asked to separate from either Kevin or myself he would fall apart.  His eye contact was fleeting and his language barely existed.  He communicated by crying, screaming, pointing and pulling me to whatever he wanted.  The language he did use consisted of one word at a time.  Through love, patience, and understanding we his development has increased dramatically. 

Today, he gets excited when one of his Son-Rise friends come to play.  He say to them, "give me your hand, or come on" and leads them into his playroom.  His anxiety has dramatically decreased. He laughs and plays and stays engaged for long periods of time.  He asks for things with 3 and 4 word sentences.  He looks in our eyes to speak and even will come put his hands on our cheeks and turn our eyes to his if we are not paying attention.  He shows great interest in those around him and wants to interact.  He craves affection, even asking for hugs and kisses.  This year he told me he loved me!!!  It only happened once so far but it is something I carry in my heart with me everyday.  And above all he is HAPPY.  My perpetually miserable child is happy.  That alone is the greatest gift Son-Rise has given to him and us.

The program that started a year ago has evolved a great deal as has its only student.  I have learned how to run the program more efficiently, take data better (Charlie's team knows what a struggle that has been), what to look for in new team members and how to let ones go that are not a good fit.  The most important lesson I, as mom and fearless leader, is to admit I cannot do it all.  I have let go of some responsibilities and passed them off to others.

This year has also shown me what amazing friends and family I have.  I always knew I was blessed in this department but this past year these people have stepped up to help by their own choosing, something they did not have to do.  I make it a rule not to ask my friends and family to volunteer in the playroom.  If the volunteer I happily accept but I do not want anyone to feel pressure to volunteer.  That being said, my father, my neighbors, and a childhood friend, and even friends of friends have given their time in the playroom of their own volition.  I hope they know how grateful I am for their time and dedication to my family.  Not only have those in our lives volunteered to work directly with Charlie but many have helped me by assisting me with my two daughters and helping us in fundraising.   I hope these people know how life saving they are to us and how grateful I am for their help.

To sum all of this up, this past year has been fantastic for Charlie and our entire family.  Charlie has grown and developed and given us more reason to believe that he will one day catch up to his peers.  We are committed to this program for many more years.  I will not stop until he is Autism free, even if it takes my entire life.    Miracles do happen and we will get the Miracle!!!!

I want to take this opportunity to thank Charlie's team for all that they do.  Liz, Andrea, Gwen, Meredith, and Nikki make up Charlie's current team.  And especially the help and understanding I get from my husband Kevin, parents Lucille and Ed and my beautiful daughters, Paige and Brooke.  All of this is impossible without them.